Do you also get to enjoy a well-earned holiday? And are you taking your drone abroad to capture the best holiday images? Before you take off, do check the following points:
👨✈️ Check the specific rules of the country you are holidaying in, EU rules obviously apply across Europe but each EU country may have drawn up its own local rules;
✈️ Going by plane? Check in advance the rules regarding taking a drone and accompanying batteries in your (hand) luggage;
⛔️ Pay attention to local no-fly zones;
🤝 Make sure your drone is properly insured, not all travel insurance policies cover it;
🤳 And last but not least, put your EASA flying licence on your phone, that way you will always have it to hand should you be checked.
Check, check, double-check? Let's go! Happy holidays and lots of (flying) fun and safety! 🕹